Pacific West Prosperity Toss Lunch @Hakka Village in Balik Pulau, Penang
In conjunction with the auspicious Chinese New Year, Pacific West threw the celebratory Pacific West Prosperity Toss Lunch at Hakka Village (客家山寨) in Balik Pulau, Penang.
Many turned up for the early Chinese New Year celebration at the hill top property nestled amidst lush greenery with a breathtaking view of the sea. Transportation was provided and the scenic journey through the steep hill road was a bumpy short ride.

Upon reaching our destination, we enjoyed a short walkabout exploring the area for a moment with its owner Maggie Fong, before making our way to the dining area.
The menu features canapes crafted by chef Gerry Edson and oriental dishes by chef Leong Main Choy, with the food showcasing the freshest catch of the sea brought to our shores by Pacific West.
On the canapes side, we tucked into Petit Ratatouille Corn Tortilla with Pacific West Popcorn Fish, Tomato Salsa on spoons with Pacific West Dusted Baby Squid, Hummus on Pitta Bread with Pacific West Tempura Calamari Ring, and Mango Salsa on Tortilla Crisp with Pacific West Dusted Baby Squid. Also featured was the craving bite of Puff Pastry filled with Mushroom and Egg Pate topped with Pacific West Wiggy Cornflake fish.
The oriental lunch started off with the Pacific West Tempura Prawn Prosperity Toss (yee sang), prepared with fresh vegetables in combination with refreshing torch ginger flower, pickled nutmeg, pomelo, mandarin orange, tempura prawns and a dressing.
Everyone tossed to the new year with the yee sang dish. It was a little more unusual, as the chef uses torch ginger flower, nutmeg and tempura prawns instead of raw fish. The dish was certainly one of the prettiest I have seen this festive season and the flavors were beautifully balanced by the dressing with restrained sweetness. More on the making of the yee sang can be viewed at:
Chef Leong also rolled out a line -up of other dishes, from Crab Meat Lettuce Cups with Pacific West Salt and Pepper Squid, to Golden Nestum Pacific West Tempura Prawns, Kung Pao Pacific West Salt and Pepper Squids, and the Nyonya Style Pacific West Tempura Fish Cocktails.

The Oriental lunch was followed by a round of Hakka dishes by Hakka Village, which included the Hakka Plum Sauce Duck, Hakka Abacus Beads, Stir Fried Broccoli and Hakka Salt-baked Chicken. The latter was a toothsome dish with flavors of chicken, fragrant Chinese cooking wine and salt. The dish had everyone reaching out for more.
Another Hakka delight was the Hakka Lei Cha. Popularly known as thunder tea rice, the dish of rice with condiments was served with a creamy broth made of green tea, nuts and seeds.

Everyone took part to create the yee sang dish with six ingredients and mandarin oranges. Team from Table C was lucky enough to be chosen as the winner of the contest with their creative P W logo design.

Pacific West director Mr Saw Lip Teik presented a speech on the seafood products. “Serving a wholesome seafood dish for your family and friends is never a hassle with Pacific West,” he said.
The Pacific West products besides being very convenient, it is also of quality and taste in itself, and is available at all major and independent retail outlets in Malaysia.

* Many thanks to Pacific West for extending this invitation.