Masquerade Charity Night hosted by Farquhar Mansion Penang
On November 27, 2014, Farquhar Mansion in George Town, Penang hosted the Masquerade Charity Night. The main objective of the evening was to raise funds for Society of the Disabled Persons Penang (SDPP) through an auction.
Other partners who joined the event was Amee Philips, Crops, Heaven Gate, Asiaeuro, MHD Malaysia and Prestigious Wines.
Guests who attended the event embarked on an evening of art, music and fashion. The event featured fashion show by Amee Philips, entertainment with jazz numbers, lucky draw and a charity auction.
One of the auction items was the Auchentoshan 18Y0 Whisky, sponsored by Asiaeuro.
Guests have the pleasure of tasting a selection of wine and liquor and sample the tapas while being entertained with live performance.
The event drew to a close with speeches, which was followed by a donation presentation ceremony and appreciation certificates giveaway ceremony.
A total of RM30,000 was raised for the SDPP from the selling of the entrance ticket and another RM 8,358.00 from the charity auction.
Spectacular jewellery pieces by Amee Philips
* Many thanks to Farquhar Mansion for extending this invitation.